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March 19, 2015
When you’re looking into education franchises or tutoring business and which one is right for you, things can get a little confusing. There are so many out there and there are several models to choose from.
Do you want to DO the tutoring yourself? Do you want to hire tutors to work FOR you so you don’t have to? Do you want to go with the one-on-one model? Or will the “center” model work better for your goals?
So many questions. Here are your answers:
- One-on-one versus center
Children struggle in school for a variety of reasons. But, one of them, beyond a shadow of a doubt is the lack of guidance that teachers are capable of giving due to class size and testing constraints.
The reason Tutor Doctor was started was because our founder wanted to give children who needed an advantage. One-on-one tutoring IS that advantage. So he created a service that would allow him to arrange for tutors to be paired up with students within their geographical area, who were best suited for that student’s needs. As opposed to the “center” model where students go, basically, from one classroom to an after-school style classroom. Giving them no advantage at all. They’re still not getting the undivided attention they deserve and NEED as they’re sitting among their peers instead with a one-on-one teacher.
Another advantage of one-on-one is that the parents don’t have to rearrange their lives and schedules since the tutors go to them, not vice versa, requiring them to move mealtimes, shift meetings, etc. And do you know how much a mother needs convenience these days? - Customer love matters
It’s the convenience and the specialized attention that the students get that makes customers adore the one-on-one model. With a 95% customer love rate, the one-on-one model is unbeatable. Children excel (which is why we got into this business in the first place) and parents are happy.
We provide the students with the tools to help them actually like school, to stop feeling second best, and to show them how to succeed. That’s why our customer love rate is phenomenal via customers sharing us with their friends and family because when you can set people up to win, they’ll stay by your side forever.
- Investment costs
Helping people is great, but most people don’t open a business only for that reason. They don’t wake up and say, “Hey! I’d really like to help people” Well, many do, but the name of the “help” game is how to make the most money at it.
And if you’re in the entrepreneur industry, that’s the goal.
So the one-on-one model makes it easier by keeping your overhead expenses to a minimum. Because the less you spend, the more you keep.
There are no brick-and-mortar buildings to maintain. There’s no inventory. And therefore, it’s less time consuming (you get started earlier!). More money goes into your pocket, rather than your landlord’s. And then, of course, you have less stress (read: work from anywhere you can get an internet connection - hello, Rio!) because you have less to deal with.
Owning an education franchise or tutoring business is a great way to create a business that helps kids who need it. Now the model you choose is a great way to make more money at it.
Contact us today to find out how you can start your own low-overhead education franchise.