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September 30, 2015
photo by woodleywonderworks
In the last decade, math scores among 15-year-old Canadian students have fallen by 14%. The reasons are varied and include bigger class sizes, more students with special needs, less funding for education and less time with the teacher. As students go back to school, parents are increasingly turning to education franchises to help their children to catch up and keep up.
The one-to-one tutoring model has proven results and parents are relying on top tutoring franchises to fill in the missing building blocks for their children and help those who want to excel in achieving their goals. So successful is the in-home tutoring model, that Canadian parents are expected to invest over a billion dollars in tutoring this year. Julian Dierkes, from the University of British Columbia; “Our extremely conservative estimate for the global tutoring industry is that it’s worth $100 billion (annually).”
What this means for prospective education franchise owners is that the market is growing exponentially. To start a tutoring business, you only need a small investment as most tutor franchise owners work from home. Low overheads and an expanding market mean that their education franchises are profitable early on.
From the Financial Post: “Research firm Global Industry Analysts Inc. forecast in 2014 that it expected the industry to be worth US$196.3 billion by 2020 as demand for online tutoring adds to already an exploding sector.”
This is great news for struggling students who now have a convenient, in-home tutoring solution and can get the help they need and for parents who are able to help their children. For profitable education business owners, the rapid growth of the tutoring industry makes for a positive outlook for their futures.